
Scroll Below To See the Ministries here at Northside Christian


Saundra Lawhorn and Brenda Ducat takes care of this special ministry. 

 A group of ladies are on

a rotation schedule to make sure the changing rooms are

kept fresh and clean

before and after each baptism.



Music Ministry 

Traditional praise songs are offered to the Lord during our worship service.   Play an instrument or sing?  We invite you to come join praise team. We practice every Sunday @8:30 am prior to the worship service .
Ladies Card Ministry

The ladies meet on the 1st Sat. of each month at 10:00 am to make greeting cards that bring encouragement and well wishes to our church members and extended families.

Big M.A.C.- 
Big Meal After Church happens on the last Sunday of every month.  Everyone brings a dish to share and we all eat together immediately following the Worship Service.  It's a great time to fellowship and make new friends!
Flowers/ Decor 

Throughout the buildings are seasonal arrangements and decorations.  They  are so beautiful and uplifting to see.  We'd love to have you bring your creative talents and invite you to share!


Krazy Kitchen Krew

A wonderful group of ladies

 who setup and clean up for meals

held at church.

Meals on Wheels

When there is a need for meals to

be prepared and carried to a family,

these ladies "come to the rescue!!

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